Common Misconceptions About Pre Engineered Structures
Pre engineered and prefabricated structures have gained popularity in recent years for a variety of applications and uses. RPM Team is at the forefront of pre engineered building systems, utilizing the benefits of pre engineered metal buildings and prefab to accelerate construction efforts for homeless solutions, affordable housing, houses of worship, medical facilities, emergency shelters and for military uses. However, there are still some misconceptions surrounding the construction industry that can deter a building owner from considering pre-engineered construction as a viable option for their project’s needs. Let’s debunk three common misconceptions about pre engineered buildings and shed light on their true potential.
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Misconception 1: Pre engineered building systems are only suitable for temporary or low-quality buildings
One prevailing misconception is that pre engineered buildings are primarily used for temporary or low-quality buildings. While the pre engineered process is lower cost, it isn't lower quality. Pre engineered structures are designed and manufactured to meet stringent quality standards and local building codes, ensuring durability and longevity similar to conventionally built buildings.
These structures are engineered with cutting edge technology, utilizing high-quality building materials and advanced manufacturing techniques. The use of steel and aluminum frames, for example, provides exceptional structural integrity and resistance to extreme weather conditions such as high wind, earthquakes, and heavy snow loads. Moreover, pre-engineered structures undergo rigorous quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process, ensuring that they meet or exceed building code requirements.
In fact, pre engineered structures have been successfully employed in a wide range of applications, including both commercial and industrial buildings like warehouses, industrial facilities, offices, and even schools, hospitals, and private residences. Their versatility and durability make them attractive for building owners who are looking for a cost effective low maintenance building project as well as future expansion on at their job site.
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Misconception 2: Pre engineered structures lack design flexibility
Another misconception about pre engineered buildings is that they lack design flexibility. Some people believe that these structures come in limited, standard designs, leaving little room for customization to meet specific architectural and aesthetic requirements.
However, a pre engineered building structure offer a surprising amount of design flexibility. Architects and designers can collaborate with manufacturers to create customized structures that suit their vision and requirements. From building size and shape to wall systems, interior layouts and exterior finishes, pre-engineered structures can be tailored to meet specific design preferences.
Advanced computer-aided design technology enables precise detailing and customization. Architects can incorporate unique architectural elements, such as expansive windows, open interior space, atriums, mezzanines, and even curved curtain walls. The use of various cladding materials and finishes further enhances the aesthetic appeal, allowing pre-engineered structures to blend seamlessly with their surroundings.
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Misconception 3: Any construction project will be expensive, regardless of if pre-engineered structures are utilized
A common misconception is that any type of construction will be costly, regardless of if you’re using pre engineered structures or conventional building methods. However, when evaluating all the building components and overall costs, pre-engineered structures prove to be an incredibly cost-effective option.
The prefabrication process involved in manufacturing pre engineered structures reduces construction time significantly in comparison to conventionally constructed buildings. Since the components are fabricated off-site in controlled environments, there are fewer delays due to weather conditions or material availability. This expedites the construction process, resulting in substantial time savings.
Additionally, the efficient use of materials and streamlined construction methods reduce material waste and labor costs. The integration of pre engineered components, such as pre-cut and pre-drilled structural elements, further accelerates the construction process and minimizes on-site labor requirements that further reduce the on site erection cost. These factors collectively contribute to cost savings.
Moreover, pre engineered structures offer long-term cost benefits and have low maintenance costs. Their durable construction minimizes maintenance and repair expenses over time. Furthermore, their energy-efficient design, which can include insulation and sustainable features in building walls, enables optimum temperature control and reduces operating costs related to heating, cooling, and energy consumption.
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Pre engineered structures are often misunderstood and sometimes get a bad rap in relation to traditional buildings
Contrary to belief, pre engineered building components are not limited to temporary or low-quality projects but are suitable for various applications. These structures offer design flexibility and can be customized to meet specific architectural and aesthetic requirements. Moreover, pre-engineered structures prove to be a cost-effective option, reducing overall construction costs and offering long-term savings. By debunking these misconceptions, it becomes clear that pre-engineered structures are a reliable and efficient choice for modern construction projects.
By embracing pre engineered structures, we can unlock a world of possibilities in terms of design, functionality, project speed, and cost-effectiveness. These low maintenance buildings offer strength, durability, and customization, making them a desirable option for a wide range of projects. Whether it's a warehouse, a manufacturing facility, office building, homeless shelter, or residential home, pre engineered structures provide a versatile and energy efficient solution over conventional buildings.
How Do You Decide if a Pre Engineered Building is Right for Your Project?
PEBs aren't the best systems for every construction type, so let RPM Team guide you and your organization in choosing a system that is the best fit for your project. Whether you are looking for structural precast concrete, structural pre engineered steel frame or pre engineered metal building, its important that you make an informed decision. Partnering with RPM Team at the start of your building project can help guarantee a tailored project that will meet your specific requirements.
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