North City Pure Water Facility
To address San Diego’s water supply challenges caused by a limited local supply, increased demand on imported water, and climate change, the City of San Diego conducted a water reuse study and determined that advanced water purification was an investment that would help ensure a safe, local, and cost-effective water supply for the future. After successfully proving the treatment methodology, the City has expanded its water treatment capabilities into a full scale operation at the North City Pure Water Facility.
RPM provided the structural engineering design for both cable tray support and pipe support for the facility which is scheduled to complete construction in 2025.
Water treatment plants are complex facilities, with an immense amount of equipment and piping that can interfere with the installation of supports. In order to complete the job, RPM has coordinated with the site’s operator to obtain field information, understand preferences and possible conflicts, to create cable tray and pipe supports that actually work on site. Our engineering staff provided multiple support details to allow the field team to install based on site conditions as they saw fit, without having to wait for new details and new supports to be produced.
RPM’s structural engineering design work will enable the North City Pure Water Facility to operate a proven process to purify recycled water. The water will be treated to regulated drinking water standards at the Miramar Drinking Water Plant before being sent to San Diego homes and businesses.
RPM’s fast engineering solutions unlock time in tight production schedules allowing for our clients to focus on meeting deadlines and avoiding delays.